Author: Celeste Cline

SEO Basics – A Beginner’s Guide To Boosting Your Website’s Visibility In Search Results

A strong online presence is key to growing your business or organization. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website to improve its visibility in search results.


On-page Ironchess SEO + Marketing includes optimizing the content on your site, earning backlinks, and targeting keywords. It also includes technical optimization, such as making sure your URLs are short and memorable, and that your meta descriptions include your target keywords.

Optimize Your Content

Search engine optimization is an ever-evolving field, with hundreds of ranking factors. But one thing that remains consistent is the importance of optimizing your content. High-quality, optimized content is the best way to rank on Google and attract targeted traffic to your website.

The first step to optimizing your content is to understand what search engines look for. When a user types a search term into Google, the algorithm ranks results partly on the information they provide and how helpful it is to users. This is called search intent, and it is important to consider when creating your content. Use tools like the People Also Ask box and related searches on SERPs to determine what types of results are most relevant for a particular search term. Then, optimize your content to meet this intent by including relevant keywords in the title and meta description.

In addition to keyword placement, other content optimization strategies include writing unique and valuable copy that solves a problem or satisfies a need. This will help you create a stronger connection with your audience and encourage them to share your content with their friends and networks.

Additionally, make sure your content is easy to read and doesn’t include outdated information. Search engines prioritize fresh content and lower the ranking of websites that contain old or irrelevant information. This means that continuously updating and optimizing your content is essential for improving SEO rankings. Finally, be strategic about ad placement. Ideally, ads should be placed above the fold and to the left of the page. This will increase clicks and engagement. This will help you build a positive relationship with your audience and grow your business.

Optimize Your Images

Using images on your website is a great way to grab the attention of visitors and drive traffic to your site. However, you need to make sure your images are optimized for SEO to ensure that search engines can find and display them in the right results. In addition, image optimization can improve page load speeds and provide a better user experience.

Image optimization involves reducing the file size of your images without compromising quality, which can help boost your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). In addition, image optimization helps reduce the loading time of your site, which can improve user experience and increase engagement and conversions.

Optimizing your images also includes adding alt text, which describes what’s in the image for visually impaired users and search engines. This is an important part of SEO because it allows you to add keyword-rich descriptions that can enhance your site’s search engine rankings. However, be careful not to overstuff your alt text with keywords, as this can lead to a penalty by Google.

Another key aspect of image optimization is providing context for your images by including relevant titles and captions. This not only provides an additional opportunity for keywords, but it can also help search engines understand what is in the image and how it relates to your content.

Finally, sizing your images correctly is also important for image optimization. By sizing your images to the correct dimensions, you can ensure that they fit within your content and avoid unwanted gaps or overlays. This can also improve your page load speed, which can be an important ranking factor for both mobile and desktop SEO.

Optimize Your Links

It doesn’t matter how optimized your content is if no one sees it. That’s why optimizing your links is crucial for SEO visibility. When search engines see that your website has lots of high-quality, relevant links coming in from other websites, they assume that your content is authoritative and trustworthy. This, in turn, boosts your visibility and helps you climb to the top of SERPs.

To optimize your links, make sure to use keyword-rich anchor text and include them in your content. This will help search engines understand the topic of your page and find it easier to rank it for that keyword.

Additionally, you should also make sure to use descriptive image alt text. Search engines rely on this information to understand your images, so it’s important to take the time to write them correctly.

Another way to improve your SEO visibility is by creating internal links between pages on your site. This will help keep users on your site longer, which can increase your rankings. This is especially important for long-form content, such as guides and tutorials.

One of the easiest ways to do this is by creating a content hub. For example, if you have a pillar page about SEO basics, you can link to and from it with other pages about different aspects of SEO, such as keyword research and content strategy.

Lastly, you should also try to get other reputable websites to link to your content. This will help boost your SEO visibility, and it can be a great way to drive traffic to your website. However, be careful not to engage in black hat SEO practices, such as buying links, as this can backfire and hurt your ranking.

Optimize Your Site For Mobile

Aside from the obvious (like ensuring your content is mobile-optimized, which this guide covers in great depth), there are a few specific things you can do to improve your website’s performance.

First, make sure your site loads fast. Mobile users are less patient than desktop users, and they will leave your site if it takes too long to load. This is important for SEO because it reduces your search engine visibility score and hurts your ranking.

Also, optimize your images and other media for mobile. This can reduce the file size and improve your site’s speed.

Another thing to consider is optimizing your website for voice search. 65% of people between the ages of 25 and 49 use voice search on their phones, so this is a huge opportunity for your business to rank higher in SERPs by using relevant keyword research. People who use voice search are typically looking for a specific answer to a question, so targeting these types of keywords is essential.

Finally, make sure your page titles and meta tags are relevant to your target audience. This can help your site rank better in search engines and drive more organic traffic.

Many of these tips focus on usability and speed, which have an additive effect when it comes to increasing your website’s visibility. However, other factors directly influence how your website appears in search results. For example, if you have valid structured data markup on your pages, Google may display special search result features such as review stars and carousels on mobile searches. This is another way to differentiate your website in mobile search and enhance user experience.

Optimize Your Social Media

SEO is a never-ending process that requires consistent monitoring and updating. Search engines are always evolving and changing, and keeping up with the latest best practices is key to ensuring your website continues to rank high on search results pages. This is especially important for beginners, as it can take months before SEO begins to work and you may not see the traffic spikes you want right away. That is where social media can come in handy: Social media can help you attract traffic to your site sooner, as well as bring in new visitors who may not have found your business otherwise.

To optimize your social media accounts for search, you need to do some keyword research. Use keywords in your post titles, hashtags, and descriptions, as well as your bio and profile information. This will improve your visibility in both social media searches and Google SERPs for branded queries.

Additionally, it is a good idea to include relevant keywords in your image captions and alternative text (or alt text) to improve the relevancy of your posts. This will also benefit those with visual impairments.

Finally, make sure to share your content on your social media accounts. This will help increase your visibility and encourage others to share it as well. Additionally, make sure your social media profiles are linked to your website so that you can drive traffic back to your site.

Although social media and SEO can seem like completely different marketing channels, they are complementary to each other. By leveraging the strengths of each, you can maximize your website’s visibility. By following these simple tips, you can begin to see more and better organic search engine traffic to your site.

How to Identify Roof Repair Needs

Many roofing problems, like leaks, can be fixed before they cause significant water damage and mold remediation. Inspecting the interior and exterior of your home and the gutter system helps identify issues that may be causing damage to your roof.

Roof Repair

Depending on the type of roofing, surface repair may include shingle repairs or replacement, resealing of the flashing around chimneys and skylights, or repairing damaged sections of the decking. Visit to learn more.

Roof shingles are available in many different styles and colours, giving homeowners a lot of flexibility when it comes to aesthetics. They also come in a wide variety of thicknesses, offering greater durability for different homes. However, shingles are not indestructible and will likely experience some damage over time, especially due to severe weather. Swift repairs can help to protect the integrity of the roof and prevent leaks and other problems.

If a shingle becomes damaged, it’s essential to remove it promptly and replace it with an identical one. Doing so ensures that water doesn’t seep through the gap created by the missing shingle.

Before you climb onto the roof to make your repair, secure the ladder and ensure that it’s stable. You should also have someone stationed at the base of the ladder to help you in case of a fall. Once you’re safely on the roof, locate the shingle that is damaged. Slide a flat pry bar under the shingle directly above it to loosen the adhesive that holds it in place. Lift it to reveal the nails underneath, then pull the damaged shingle free. You may have to do this for several shingles in a row before the adhesive and nails are completely removed.

Once you have the damaged shingle removed, cut a new shingle to size using tinsnips. Position it in the spot where the old shingle used to be, and use roofing tar to seal the edges and firmly press it down on the roof surface. Afterward, inspect the area for any other loose or damaged shingles. If necessary, re-caulk any areas where the caulking has failed or shrunk.

For a cracked or torn shingle, apply roofing sealant in a thick bead along the edge of the damaged shingle and down the crack to close the gap. Apply a second layer of sealant over the top of the affected shingle to further strengthen the watertight seal. Finally, sprinkle some granules from your eavestrough over the crack to camouflage it. You should leave the granules on the affected shingle for at least 24 hours to allow them to fully set and adhere to the roof surface.


Tile roofs are extremely durable, but they can be damaged by falling debris, wind, heat or cold stress, and rain. Damaged tiles need to be repaired, adjusted or replaced quickly. If left unattended, a broken roof tile can cause water leaks into the house. A professional will inspect your tile roof and advise you on the best course of action.

Roofing contractors that specialize in tile repair can restore your damaged roof to like-new condition. If you have an insurance claim, they can also assist with the process and negotiate with your insurance company. The first step in a tile roof repair is to cover the area of the damaged roof. This can be as simple as a blue tarp and offers temporary protection from weather elements. It also allows you to take some time to decide on the next steps in your roof repair.

Before beginning any tile roof repair, it is important to ensure that you have the right tools for the job. This includes safety gear such as gloves, non-slip shoes, and a harness if necessary. Once you’re ready, it’s time to climb the ladder and access the affected areas. Use caution when lifting tiles. If you apply too much pressure, you could break the tile or knock yourself off balance. Once you’ve accessed the damaged tile, carefully pry up the edges with a flat pry bar. Avoid using a hammer or other heavy tool, which can cause further damage to the surrounding tiles.

Once the old tile is removed, spread a small amount of tile roofing cement along the replacement underside. Nails are not required during a tile replacement because they are held in place with the adhesive. Place the new tile over the spot and press down to make sure it is properly aligned and adhered.

There are many different types of roof tiles available, including ceramic, porcelain, and concrete. Some offer a wide range of colors and textures to match any architectural style. Others are designed to resemble other roofing materials, such as chipped stone or shingle-style slate. Unlike shingles, tiles are very durable and can last up to 50 years or more. They also have a low environmental impact, as they do not deplete limited natural resources and require less landfill space. They’re also an excellent insulator, keeping homes warmer in winter and cooler in summer.


Metal roofs are durable and long-lasting, but they can experience wear and tear that requires repairs. Weather, debris and age can all cause damage to metal roofing, including holes in the surface that let in moisture. In addition, metal roofs can develop rust and other problems that necessitate repair.

Holes in metal roofs are often caused by flying debris, which can puncture the metal and create a hole. This type of repair can be easily done by patching the hole and sealing it with roofing cement. However, larger holes may require replacing the affected panels. A qualified roofer can help you determine the best course of action for your metal roof.

Another common problem with metal roofs is loose or missing fasteners. This is especially common around areas of the roof where there are a lot of penetrations, such as chimneys and vents. Loose or missing fasteners can allow water to seep into the home, causing leaks and interior damage. You can address this issue by tightening loose screws, nails or fasteners and adding new ones where necessary. You should also check the flashing surrounding any roof penetrations to ensure that it is properly installed and not damaged or missing.

Other metal roof repair issues include rust and oxidation. Metal roofs are susceptible to rust, particularly in humid or salt-water environments. Rust can corrode the metal, resulting in holes that can lead to water leaks. You can reduce the risk of rusting by regularly cleaning the metal roof and applying a rust-inhibiting primer to any areas that show signs of corrosion.

If you notice a leak or other problems with your metal roof, it is important to hire a professional to perform the repair. A professional can make sure the repair is done correctly to ensure the longevity of your roof. In addition, a professional will know how to locate and repair leaks in attics and joists. This can save homeowners money in the long run, as repairing leaks quickly can help prevent further damage and costly repairs down the road. Hiring a professional can also save homeowners time and stress, which is beneficial when dealing with a major home project like a roof repair or replacement.

Built-up roofing (BUR)

Built-up roofing is an excellent option for commercial buildings, primarily because it’s extremely durable and adds extra protection. While it is a bit more costly than other major commercial roofing systems, BUR’s longevity and minimal maintenance costs are a good value for your building.

In fact, when BUR is properly maintained and repaired, it can last 30+ years. That’s a long lifecycle, especially when you consider that it is often covered by a guarantee or warranty.

What makes a BUR roof unique is its multiple layers. It starts with some type of insulation, then 4-5 layers of fiberglass felt, hot asphalt, or cold-processed adhesive are applied in one smooth coat. The final layer is a granulated surface that provides added waterproofing and UV protection. The layers also provide redundancy so if one layer is damaged, the other layers will continue to protect your building.

This system is highly energy-efficient as well. The layer of white granules helps to reflect the sun’s rays, maintaining a cool building temperature and lowering the energy bills. Additionally, the textured surface of the BUR allows for better traction when you have equipment on the roof (e.g. solar array, mechanical systems) or you want to create a green roof or outdoor living space.

Depending on the type of system, you may be able to add insulation materials to your BUR roof, increasing its efficiency even more. A BUR system can also be topped with a white reflective cap sheet to help you meet cool roofing requirements.

A BUR roof that isn’t regularly inspected and properly repaired can quickly develop issues. Common problems include open joints, blisters, and cracking that allow water to infiltrate the interior of your building. While some repairs can be made with a patch, most are best addressed by hiring a commercial roofing contractor that can perform a full inspection and make the necessary repair to your BUR roof.

The right commercial roofing system will depend on your climate, building design, and budget. Be sure to talk with a professional commercial roofing contractor about the benefits and drawbacks of each type of roofing system before making your decision.

The Benefits of Plumbing Inspections

Professionals look for signs of corrosion, mineral deposits, damage and other issues that can lead to leaks. Parma Plumber also assess whether visible plumbing meets local code requirements for materials and installation.

Plumbing inspections can identify hazards like faulty water pressure, water or sewer line leaks, insufficient venting and overflowing toilets. Addressing these problems early saves money and prevents property value depreciation.



The cost of plumbing inspections depends on a number of factors. For example, the inspector’s location, type of inspection, and scope of work can impact prices. Different companies may also offer varying pricing structures. In general, though, a basic inspection will cost between $100 and $300, while more comprehensive ones might cost $500 or more. Regardless of the price, it’s worth paying for a plumbing inspection, as it could prevent major damage later on.

A typical plumbing inspection includes examining pipes, fixtures, and other components in the home. The inspector will note any issues and provide recommendations on necessary maintenance. For example, if a plumber notices a pipe with cracks or corrosion, they will recommend replacement. This will prevent the leaking pipes from developing bigger problems in the future.

For more extensive inspections, the plumber might need to use specialized equipment. This might include a sewer line camera or drain snake. These tools can help them locate the problem and determine its cause. In addition, the inspector will check for clogs and other obstructions in toilets and bathtubs. The inspection can also identify whether the water heater is faulty or in need of repair.

Plumbing inspections are important for both new and existing homeowners. A reputable plumber will be able to detect and correct potential issues before they become costly problems. They can also recommend preventative maintenance measures to keep your plumbing in good working condition.

The cost of a plumbing inspection can be offset by the savings you’ll make on future repairs. Moreover, the inspection can help you avoid buying a house with a problematic plumbing system. Purchasing a faulty property can lead to expensive repairs and renovations. It’s therefore important to have a plumbing inspection before you sign the purchase agreement.

In general, it’s recommended to schedule a plumbing inspection every year. However, you should have the plumbing system inspected more often if it’s a newer home or if it has been some time since the last inspection. Additionally, you should have the plumbing inspected before making significant changes to your home, and after flooding or other incidents.


Getting regular plumbing inspections can prevent future problems, protect your property value, and save you money. Many plumbing problems are invisible to the untrained eye, but a plumber can identify issues such as slow draining, gurgling sounds, and water stains on ceilings or walls. He or she can also recommend maintenance practices that can prolong the life of your fixtures and prevent future damage. In addition, a plumbing inspection can help you comply with local codes and regulations.

Plumbing inspectors can detect hidden problems like water pressure issues, leaking pipes, and sewer backups. These problems can cause significant damage if left unattended, but a plumbing inspection can catch them before they worsen. The cost of a plumbing inspection is minimal when compared to the costs of fixing or replacing your home’s plumbing systems.

A good plumbing inspection can also help you save on utility bills by identifying and fixing leaky faucets, toilets, and appliances. It can also reduce waste and improve your water quality. Moreover, it can make your property more attractive to buyers if you’re planning to sell it.

The inspection can also identify potential hazards like exposed electrical connections and corroded pipes. In such cases, the plumber can recommend safety upgrades to protect your family and pets. They may also recommend new appliances, such as energy-efficient water heaters and smart devices that can monitor and control your water usage.

A reputable plumber can also provide a comprehensive report that details the condition of your home’s plumbing system. This report can be used to determine the value of your property or as a tool for negotiating with prospective buyers. The report will also help you avoid unpleasant surprises during the sale process.

In preparation for a plumbing inspection, you should prepare your home by cleaning the sink and shower drain strainers, locating the main shut-off valve, and clearing work areas. It is also a good idea to remove any stored items near the water heater or under sinks, which may hinder access during the inspection. Lastly, you should be available to answer questions and provide access to parts of your home that are difficult to reach.


A well-maintained plumbing system is crucial to your comfort and safety. However, plumbing issues are not always easy to detect and can be costly when they go untreated. Fortunately, scheduling regular inspections can help prevent these problems and save you money in the long run. A professional plumber can provide a thorough assessment of your plumbing system, including the pipes and fixtures. They will check for leaks, clogs, and other potential problems. A plumber will also recommend the best way to maintain your plumbing system and address any concerns you may have.

The schedule for plumbing inspections will vary depending on the age of your home, your water usage, and other factors. For example, new homes usually require a more frequent inspection than older homes. In addition, commercial buildings often have a different schedule than residential buildings. It is a good idea to consult with a plumber to determine the optimal schedule for your property.

During a plumbing inspection, the plumber will perform both a visual and camera inspection to make sure that all parts of the plumbing are in working order. This will include checking for leaks, examining the condition of the pipes, and ensuring that appliances are connected properly. In addition, the plumber will examine the kitchen sinks and drains for clogs. The plumber will then test the water pressure to ensure that it is adequate.

One of the biggest benefits of a plumbing inspection is that it can catch small problems before they turn into major disasters. For instance, a small leak or slow drain can lead to mold growth and rotting wood in your house. If left unattended, these problems can also cause expensive water damage to your property. A plumbing inspection can prevent these problems by catching them early on and providing you with a list of recommended repairs.

Another benefit of a plumbing inspection is that it can prolong the life of your pipes. Older pipes can rust or accumulate sediment, which can reduce their lifespan. A professional plumber can inspect your pipes and recommend solutions such as pipe replacement or cleaning treatments to keep them in tip-top shape.


Plumbing inspections are a cost-effective way to ensure that your home’s pipes and fixtures are in good condition. Plumbers look for signs of leaks, corrosion, clogs, and other issues that can lead to costly repairs or even water damage. These issues can also be dangerous to the health of occupants, especially if they occur near sources of drinking and cooking water. In addition, if left unattended, they can cause serious damage and pose a safety hazard. Regular plumbing inspections can help to prevent these problems from developing, saving you money and preventing unnecessary disruptions to your daily routine.

Many plumbing issues can be hard to detect, such as a drop in water pressure or rattling pipes. A professional plumber can use their experience and specialized equipment to identify these problems quickly and accurately. They can also recommend any necessary repairs or replacements.

Plumbers can also check your plumbing system’s overall age and recommend upgrades if needed. These upgrades can improve your home’s energy efficiency, which can save you money on utility bills. They can also reduce your risk of leaks, which can damage the structural integrity of your house and increase your water bills.

Another benefit of plumbing inspections is that they can help to prevent mold growth. This fungal growth can deface property and cause a variety of health issues, including respiratory problems and allergies. If the mold grows near a source of water, it can spread throughout the house and affect the quality of your home’s air. A plumbing inspection can spot the early signs of a potential mold problem, such as damp walls and floors. A professional plumber can then take steps to prevent the mold from spreading and protect your family’s health.
